Carrying extensive luggage on an electric scooter has been a difficult and often impossible undertaking for physically impaired people. Of all the electric scooters on the market, this has always been most possible with the TravelScoot. It is possible to stow hand luggage in the generous foot area and, if you are in reasonably good physical condition, to pull a larger rolling suitcase alongside, but this pulls hard on the arm, even over shorter distances. In addition, it must be driven one-handed and therefore has only one brake available. And with the roller case on the left side, you are often too wide for narrow passages.
Pulling it behind the scooter requires almost artistic skills
TravelScoot designer Hardy Huber has carried out numerous heavily packed air journeys in this way over the last 17 years, but with increasing age this became more and more burdensome and a better solution absolutely had to be found.
The front of the handlebars would be suitable for a medium-sized piece of luggage, but this would press against the knee of the person riding the bike every time the handlebars were turned more sharply and would therefore be very limited in size.
This completely unsatisfactory overall situation - even at TravelScoot - virtually demanded new innovations, but this soon turned out not to be easy. First of all, a suitcase needs an easy-to-mount luggage rack at the front bottom. The bigger challenge, however, is that while it must be reliably attached to the handlebars, it must not rotate with the steering for reasons mentioned above. In other words, the case must not interfere with the steering or inconvenience the person sitting on it.
Easier said than done. Since the rigid structure of the steering system changes to a rotating one at a relatively low height, direct lashing further up is out of the question. The solution was a snap-on plastic grommet with spacers, i.e. a kind of sliding bearing.
Given the somewhat complicated shape, however, this required an expensive plastic injection mold. This could be used to produce large quantities inexpensively, but unfortunately not smaller ones
Instead of a suitcase, you can also attach a larger plastic box for shopping or even for a smaller dog. (see homepage at the bottom) For this you only need the corresponding fastening strap with two bungees (see Smart Luggage Kit instructions part G and H). When ordering both applications, this is included free of charge.
For a really relaxed driving despite a lot of luggage you still have to get your hands free. This is done reliably by the new suitcase puller, which can remain permanently mounted or be easily unscrewed.
These two applications can be purchased separately or together.